Anxiety Bracelet Workshop

Posted by Melissa robak on

The Gem Within Workshop Series Presents:

Anxiety Bracelet Workshop

By Melissa Robak & Silver Cove Ltd


Jewelry making is a fun and relaxing pastime, but what if your jewelry could also help you focus on making yourself healthier and happier? This workshop does just that!

Anxiety is something that is a part of our daily lives, but it affects each person differently. Dealing with stress in a positive way can encourage personal growth and make future decisions easier.

Many people utilize colors in their wardrobe to encourage confidence, creativity, and other attributes. Gemstones can have similar intentions.

In today’s workshop, we will be creating an intentional bracelet focused on reducing anxiety. We will be using gemstones traditionally associated with reducing stress triggers and promote calm. The best way to use this piece is to wear it as often as possible, and use it as a reminder to stay mindful and present; to embrace moments with a clear head and calm intention; and to think of your journey in life like running water, it is not meant to be caught, it is meant to flow.

To view this workshop on our YouTube Channel CLICK HERE

The gemstones listed below are great stones to integrate into your bracelet and are the pieces we will be using in our project. Each bracelet will be slightly different, as each person is unique. Read the descriptions below and take note of the stones that particularly appeal to you.

I generally recommend introducing as many different stones into the bracelet as you are comfortable, as each one focuses on the journey a little differently, but remember, this is YOUR bracelet, so make it uniquely yours!

Required Supplies:

1 - 10” length of stretch cord

32-36 -  6mm round beads, assorted from the list below

Scissors or wire cutters

Instructional Video


Time Required: 15 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy


Gemstones That are Believed to Help with Anxiety*

Jasper-(all colors) Jaspers of all shapes and colors are designed to nurture, reduce stress, and promote calm. They are gentle, peaceful stones that encourage gentle thought.

Sodalite – Sodalite is thought to calm the mind, reduce panic attacks and improve self-confidence. It is also thought to encourage open communication.

Black Onyx/Black Agate- Gently calming and grounding, Onyx carries a more nurturing, feminine energy with a gently grounding energy.

Aventurine – (green) Aventurine helps to release old patterns and habits, dissolves negative emotions, and embrace opportunities and change as they present themselves.

Rose Quartz – RQ helps you to focus on self. It is the stone of unconditional love and assists you in remembering to love and care for yourself as much as the people around you.

Clear Quartz – This master cleanser is all about releasing things that are no longer serving you. Letting of the emotions that are not helping you move forward is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.

Blue Quartz – Effective communication is key to reducing anxiety. Blue Quartz is a fantastic stone for encouraging open communication.

Lava Rock – Nature’s grounding stone… LITERALLY. Lava rocks are great stones to keep you present and calm. You can also add essential oils for the stone to further the effectiveness of the bracelet.

Picture JasperThis stone is said to bring a sense  of harmony to the owner bringing comfort and chasing away fear.

Bruno Jasper - Bruno Jasper specifically brings stability and balance to a home or situation.

Serpentine - A person looking to feel more in control of their life will want to work with Serpentine. A long life and mental and emotional balance are also linked to this beautiful stone. 

Grey Chalcedony- It is thought to absorb negativity and harmonize the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Tiger's Eye - Tiger's Eye is believed to help with issues of self-worth, recognizing your faults and strengths, and collecting scattered thoughts.

Smoky Quartz - Smoky Quartz is thought to be a protective stone that is also a great stress reliever. It is believed to help with fear, depression, and difficulties communicating.

Amazonite - This stone has many unique attributions; it is commonly associated with the Throat Chakra and lend itself to communication because of this. Along with communication it is believed to balance masculine and feminine energies, soothe during times of stress, and help manifest unconditional love.



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