Garnet and Kunzite Pendant

Regular price $72.00

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Garnet and Kunzite Sterling Silver Pendant

Main Stone: Kunzite

Other: Garnet

Metal: .925 Sterling Silver

Size: 52x29x8mm

Weight: 11.5g

Hardness:  (Mohs Scale)

Kunzite - 6.5-7

Garnet - 4.5-7


Kunzite - Extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. Helps those with difficulty entering into meditation, activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the Throat Chakra, and Third Eye.

Garnet - energizing and balancing energies (especially cleansing and re-energizing the chakras), talisman for warding off danger, inspires love and devotion

Due to the nature of natural products, and photography techniques the color, size, and style may vary slightly from the photos.